How can this be the end,
For we have only begun.
The mind knows nothing,
Except story telling.
How can this be the end,
For we still have so many
More conversations and silences,
Yet to be exchanged.
How can this be the end,
For our travels and adventures
Wait for us, patiently,
As we prepare.
How can this be the end,
For my Heart still overflows
With every word, you have uttered
To me.
This is just, a continuation
Of how we are, and what we have,
Our lives have intertwined into each other.
And our Souls breathe as One.
Sneha: I like this very much: it has a calm, a wistfulness, and words you might expect to be unpoetic become musical.
The blogspot system will recognise me as SibatheHat, but my poetry blog is
I'll be back to look at some more.
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