
The journey within

My Companion

"Looking at my life
I see that only Love
Has been my soul's companion
From deep inside
My soul cries out:
Do not wait, surrender
For the sake of Love."

-- Rumi

In truth, my companion since I have started waking up, and even before that, has been only Love. Without it, I am nothing. It is not an entity that we hold, but an ocean that flows through every molecule of our bodies. If Love were absent, we would fade away. The energy that holds our DNA together would dissipate. We are connected through energy, through Love. 

It takes great courage to step into Love, and then realise, you are home- where it is not about blood ties but about authentic relationships. Everything we receive is a gift of Love. Longing for loved ones is just as much of a gift as the Union, for without either, the whole essence of Love would be hidden from you. Every circumstance is here to open you to Love, each fall an opportunity to love your wounds. 

The most amazing part of this is, we all know these things in our hearts. But we sit in our dark holes, doing our thing, waiting for a 'Light' to shine on us. Meanwhile, we forget the Light we have been holding within us, the Light that fuels our existence.

Beautifully, Rumi says, 'Do not wait, surrender, for the sake of Love'. He says, Love is not about self, it is about annihilation of self, to be able to destroy who we think we are so we can become infinite, eternal Love.

Do not wait.

Without Love?

Rumi says, ''A Lover only Loves. He has no choice". 

I am in awe of Love. Each day, it teaches me a new lesson. It reaffirms to me that it is on a journey of its own. I have no choice but to Love, no choice but to live in surrender. Surrender is a choice that requires immense love and strength, and it is not a sign of weakness. 

The only Love that is permanent in my Life, is the Love for God. Through that Love, all other love flows and I am only a channel. It is so simple, that all life, irrespective of form, seeks and lives through Love. We know it, but we don't understand it. Or maybe, we understand it, but we don't know it. Which one is true, I don't know. 

I don't know if we truly realise, that sadness, sorrows, trouble and tears bring with it the joy of patience, surrender, faith and peace? 

Each one of us is on a journey, no one's journey less important or more meaningful than the other. Thinking, that your journey has a higher place is not the voice of God within you that is speaking, but your Ego which wants you to believe that you, somehow, have a superior purpose. All purpose is simply that - Purpose. Effort shall be recognised and purpose achieved. That is the wonderful law of this Universe. 

In this journey toward my purpose, of which I still lose sight sometimes, I know that without Love I cannot cope. Without God, I cannot cope. And for your constant Light and Presence, I am eternally grateful. You break me apart God, so I can see the Light you have planted in my heart, for that I am thankful to you. 

A few more verses, 

 ‎"You try to be faithful
And sometimes you're cruel.
You are mine. Then, you leave.
Without you, I can't cope.
And when you take the lead,
I become your footstep.
Your absence leaves a void.
Without you, I can't cope.

You have disturbed my sleep,
You have wrecked my image.
You have set me apart.
Without you, I can't cope." 
