
The journey within


There’s a stone in my chest
And one in yours
Hearts, hardened over time

Let’s rub them together
So we may get warm,
Forget of the wounds, they remind

Let’s breathe onto the surfaces
Of hard pitted rock
So goosebumps may appear

Let’s caress the grooved veins
That still pulsate with some life
Of moments we still hold near

Let’s rub them together
And light the spark
Which may turn into a fire

Let’s let these stones
Burn and melt together
Become one, engulfed in desire

© Sneha Singh 2014


Break me away
From these tangles 
I find myself in
Creations of my own

Draw me out
As I struggle,
I drown, helplessly
In my own flood

The seconds of time
Like grains of salt
Rub against
The wounds in my soul

Pull me together
Amidst this storm
As I disintegrate
Into particles of dust

Make me One
With You
Like sand, 
Dissolving into the sea

That anchors its shore by day
And makes its bed by night.

© Sneha Singh 2014

Time Travel

What is it, that causes petals
To curl inward
And stay that way?

What is that, which
Keeps your eyes wet
And swollen?

This madness, that dissects
As it grows
Bleeds, as it flows.

Where is it?
My time turner?
Or did you steal that too?

©Sneha Singh 2014


Come as you will,
Wounds and scars, and even though you bleed.
I will stitch you together.
With your thread that runs, through me.

I will soothe your burns,
Till the creases fade.
Till newness explodes
Through your every vein.

Come as you will,
Hold my hand,
Under starry blankets, amidst lost smiles
We gaze, as long as we stand.

Open the doors, let's let ourselves in,
In one another,
As we take the plunge, into these depths

Come as you will,
Scared, forlorn. Measured. Hesitant, doubtful.
I will blow gently on these, and watch them fall away.
As you come, into me, with a Love to stay.

© Sneha Singh 2014


Day into night.
Hands on the clock.

Take the same time,
To turn.

Blink of an eye.
Breath from a sigh.

Take the same time,
To turn.

Screams from a loss.
Silent prayers at a cross.

Take the same time,
To turn.

Accepting regrets of a mistake.
Getting over heartbreak.

Take the same time,
To turn.

Hopeful sunrise.
Sunset sublime.

Take the same time,
To turn.

A fleeting life.
A halting death.

Take the same time,
To turn.

© Sneha Singh 2014


Are you a leaf?
Floating in the wind.
Or the wind itself,
That I take within
Me, with every breath,
Weaving your presence
Into my existence.

Are you these birds?
That appear, wherever I go?
Or the wind beneath their wings,
As you keep me afloat.
Save me from drowning,
In spills of my own blood.
From wounds of a forgotten time,
A forgotten life.

I open, and feel warmth.
Safety, like none before.
I open, and feel a shiver.
I close.

Are you these flowers, these buds, that brush my skin,
Or are you the wind beneath their dance?
Reminding me of my own rhythm.

Masked as the wind,
You dance within me.
You drip from my soul,
My existence,  my being.

(C) Sneha Singh 2014


When a feeling crawls under your skin.
And stays.
Creates a home.
Watches you pray.

Insides turn. What? Why?
No answers.
So much spillage,
Yet, the questions turn dry.

A touch, and I'm alive?
Or heading towards another death?
Breathe into me again.
So we can live.

(C) Sneha Singh 2014