
The journey within


If you sit quietly, and zone out from your outer circumstances for just ONE moment, and carefully observe, you will notice something you wish you had not noticed. You will notice, the voice in your head. The voice in your head that speaks of how you are not good enough, how you cannot get anywhere, how circumstances are binding you, how everything is miserable, how you need to get ahead of where you already are and other words that sound similar.

How true is this voice in your head? It is pretty loud. And therefore accurate? It does always seem to point correctly to your life situation, so it MUST be right. 

Is it?

Does the voice in your head mirror the situation you are in or is it the other way round?

Have you considered stepping into the possibility that the voice in your head is exactly what is limiting your life situation? It is not mirroring reality, but creating and affirming all that is wrong within your reality?

Circumstances are not negative or positive - just teachers. Like all the years that have passed you on till now, this will too. What is the worst that can happen? 

You Die.

That is essentially the worst as fathomed by our minds. Death, annihilation, end. 

The truth within You knows that is not the end. It knows it's own immortal, perfect nature and hence it is fearless. Caged in our bodies, we live from the body, every minute rather than living from within our souls. We spend every moment in worry, calculating, analysing every step we take, thinking how much we risk, counting how many people we love, measuring HOW MUCH we love. 

Listen to yourself. "I did so much for her, the least she could do is love me back". "I sacrificed all my youth bringing them up, and they don't care anymore". "I give my whole heart to him, and he does not do anything special for me, he does not understand me". 

Are you really that much of a victim? Is that how you define care and loving? By what you get and not what you give? Is that your real self? Have you tried to see your authentic self, buried under those layers of judgement and opinion?

Gently try drop your focus on that voice inside your head that tells you everything is wrong. Smile at it. It will be surprised at you when you smile at it from a deep awareness of the truth of any situation ~ any situation's true "temporary" nature. Loosen your grip on what you don't want. Let it go, rather than thinking about how it will go wrong and keeping it alive within yourself. For once, connect with another being without judgement of their past or present, without holding onto what they have 'done' to you. Understand, that people are rarely themselves anymore, just their own stories. A large part of you is also just your own version of you. A story about yourself that you tell yourself, each moment of every day. This is the voice, the story, about yourself and others that forms the cloud you see all things through. It is your preferred choice of glasses, with a really high optical number! 

Don't be your own prisoner, woven within your own stories. Let yourself out. Let go. And while you do that, remember to Smile.

© Sneha Singh 2010


Beautiful. I like that immortal idea of spirit and that smiling on things, which are stuck in head but not me.


Thank you so much Anupam and Raghav, for reading.


A very positive take on or say answer for the questions that voice in our head...following the answers, the positive take, the smile can build our superior personality...a person of superior personality!!!


love it, bhanji.


This is wonderful, thank you for writing this.


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