Love is always there. Maybe, it just gets clouded by all things unnecessary. Things that our opinions create. In its original and rawest form, what must Love look like? What must it feel like? Maybe it looks like a new born baby that exudes only Light and Joy. Maybe, it feels like dew on flowers, dancing and shining in early morning hues.
Love is always there. Our task is only to uncover what already exists. A treasure of joy within our souls.
Where does separation from Love exist? Only in our minds, never in our hearts. Our beautiful heart has been designed such that it can hold within it immeasurable Love. And yet, we spend most of our lives in complaint and not content, in anger and not awe, in jealousy and not joy, in fear and not faith, in judgement and not jubilance. The key lies within us, to the treasure we already possess and yet we turn outward for needless fulfillment. For it is essential to remember that, 'What lay before us and what lies ahead of us are small matters when compared to what lies within us''.
And it is Love that lies within us. Always.
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